Retirement Planning

How prepared are you?

Whether it’s fast approaching or years away, you’ve likely thought about how you’d like to spend your retirement. But have you thought about how you’re going to get there?

The advisors and staff at Integrity Wealth will help provide you with the knowledge and resources to assist you along the way – from now until retirement. 


Our retirement planning service allows you the freedom to focus on what's important - the life ahead of you.

Prepare for Tomorrow, Today

You may already have a pretty clear vision on what your retirement will look like. Or, you may be having a difficult time determining how much you need to have saved and when you might be able to retire. You may be one in the five Americans Ages 50+  who haven’t put any money towards their own retirement, according to the AARP Survey. No matter your stage in your retirement planning process, we are here to guide you so you can focus on what’s important. We do this by helping you understand your long-term goals, which then informs the decisions we make to begin planning for your golden years. Once we’ve determined what your goals are, you can feel confident that we will work diligently to help align your vision with reality.
our approach
We create plans that address potential risks, and that can change as your retirement changes

We often begin with a review of your goals or spending needs in retirement. After we’re clear on this, we’ll start examining your current assets and retirement income sources such as pensions, 401(k)s and Social Security. After we have the bigger picture for your retirement goals and needs, we create you a plan that is designed to be easy to read and understand, and one that can adapt and change as needed.

We also spend time looking at a few common areas that may put undue stress on your retirement plan. Here are a few:

It’s important to remain tax efficient when collecting Social Security, as up to 85% of your Social Security income can be taxed. We can give you income planning strategies that address the best time to take benefits and how to minimize penalties based on your tax bracket.

If you’ve already saved enough for retirement – or are well on your way – you may be feeling as though being more conservative with your investments will help you to keep that nestegg you’ve built. Read more about how we allocate your funds based on time frame here

Health care and long-term care costs can deplete your savings faster if you don’t have a plan for them. Medicare doesn’t cover everything – even long-term care. We can help you plan for situations like these that may arise throughout your retirement years.

It’s vital to have a plan in place for your estate to ensure when it’s time, the right assets get left to the right people in the right way. We can help facilitate the planning process and connect you with other professionals when appropriate. Read more about our Estate Planning services here. 

More Services

Financial Planning

We'll guide you through wealth accumulation, wealth conservation, and wealth distribution.

Investment Allocation

Every investment involves some level of risk. With allocation we can help preserve capital, increase liquidity, and decrease volatility.​

Estate Planning

Will the proceeds from your estate be used to fulfill your wishes when the time comes? We can help make sure it does.

Tax Planning

Taxes are a fact of life. But that doesn't mean you can't manage the impact they have on your savings.

Retirement Planning

Whether it's fast approaching or years away, you've likely thought about your retirement. But have you thought about how you're going to get there?​

Education Planning

We can offer support and planning as you set education goals for your children, grandchildren, or yourself.

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